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  • Out of stock
    One arm handstands, anyone? Join us for a week of training handstands and flexibility for advanced practitioners with Emmet Louis and Mikael Kristiansen in beautiful Antalya, Turkey! It is based on and open for students of the Push Harder online course. Dates: 26th - 02nd of April/May 2021.
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    One arm handstands, anyone? Join us for a week of training handstands and flexibility for advanced practitioners with Emmet Louis and Mikael Kristiansen in Turkey! It is based on and open for students of the Push Harder online course. Dates: October 25-31, 2022
  • One arm handstands, anyone? Join us for a week of training handstands and flexibility for advanced practitioners with Emmet Louis and Mikael Kristiansen in beautiful Antalya, Turkey! It is based on and open for students of the Push Harder online course. Dates: September 9-15, 2021
  • We are so excited to finally offer the Push Harder manual as a printed book. And while this manual is available to you as a complementary PDF download in your Push Harder program navigation, having it as a book on the shelf really ads to the experience. We love how it turned out, and we hope you will enjoy it for years to come!

    The manual is essentially the backbone of the Push Harder program. It contains everything you need to know about training the one-arm straddle handstand, covering the theory behind the training, an outline of the structure and Mikael and Emmets reasoning behind teaching the way they do. It also contains a full summary of each exercise found in the video library, as well as a comprehensive guide on how to choose a training program suitable to your level. Lastly, all four training templates can be found in the appendix of the manual. With 95 pages full of handstand and flexibility knowledge written by Emmet Louis and Mikael Kristiansen, this manual can keep you busy (and entertained) throughout this stage of your handbalance training.
    • 95 Pages in A4
    • Full colour on silky paper
    • Ink and marker ready for your notes