Out of stockGet all 3 of our fundamental handstand programs together. Elements of the Push, Keep Pushing, and Press programs can all be trained simultaneously, allowing you to build the strength and flexibility you'll need as you proceed from the straight handstand to the intermediate skills within these 3 programs. Upon completion of the base syllabus we are confident you'll have established a solid foundation for advanced handbalancing skills. Our Low Balance program is also included, adding skills in the horizontal plane to your handbalancing repertoire.
Out of stockFor the seasoned handbalancer looking to rise to the next level, our Advanced Strength and Skill Bundle will provide you with a roadmap to progress your training. Progress your pike and straddle press towards the Stalder press in our advanced section of Press while beginning to explore the new sensations of single-arm balance with our Push Harder program for learning the straddle one-arm handstand. Our Low Balance program is also included, adding skills in the horizontal plane to your handbalancing repertoire.
Out of stockLay the foundation for advanced handbalancing with our complete set of intermediate programs. Build control of your legs with Keep Pushing, strength with Press, and challenge your balance with Expand – all key components needed to learn advanced skills like the one-arm handstand. Our Low Balance program is also included, adding skills in the horizontal plane to your handbalancing repertoire.
SALE!Purchase all of the currently released Handstand Factory programs together for the biggest discount we offer! Set yourself up for years of quality handstand training with hundreds of pages of theory, drills, conditioning, and training templates.