Welcome to
Handstand Factory
Here at Handstand Factory, we are are currently building the most comprehensive, in-depth handbalancing syllabus to be found online by combining the long tradition of handbalancing training from a circus perspective with a modern understanding of biomechanics, contemporary sport science and modern research into flexibility development for adults.

Ways to Train with Handstand Factory
We know people have different training styles, availability, goals, and motivations. We’ve adapted the Handstand Factory approach to different formats so you can choose which one best fits your lifestyle.
@cirquepath, San Fransisco, USAI am loving these programs! I couldn't decide between Push and Keep Pushing, and am glad I got them both so I can tailor what I need and know what I'm working towards. It's like being in school and having lecture, lab and study - between the podcast, training, and text. I'm learning so much from your stories where you offer tips on my training and also other people's posts... really feels more personalized, "connected" and HUMAN than just buying a canned program that's static.
Manila, PhilippinesPush - Solid program! Gives you the foundational knowledge and application for handbalancing. My favourites here are overbalance and underbalance concepts plus their illustrations! Keep Pushing is next for me. Thank you Handstand Factory for making this possible!
@heart_in_motion, Berlin, GermanyIt took me a long time to sign up to Push, I observed for many months before committing because even though we are learning remotely its vital to have teachers that that you respect, trust and resonate with. For me, I look for integrity, confidence and solid teaching not just fancy pictures on Social Media. Thank you for caring about your students, for all your hard work and the chuckles. I'm still at it and loving every minute.
West Virginia, USAThe Keep Pushing Program from Handstand Factory is exactly what I had been looking for to further my hand balance practice. I had a decent 10-20 second freestanding handstand and the theory, vocabulary, cues and videos, and the structured training templates really helped me to understand hand balance training much better. Keep Pushing is a great program as well because you can jump in wherever your skill level allows. I started in the middle and went through and have now restarted the program at the beginning and am finding new strength, control and alignment. Keep Pushing also starts to encourage creativity and individual freedom and interpretation of what you want your handstand practice to be, which really adds depth to the practice. I can’t wait to move on to more Handstand Factory programs and maybe make it to a retreat intensive!
OsloThe Push Harder program is really good, it gives you this whole, big bag of tricks and it helps you structure it to your work capacity and your schedule. You sort of auto tune it a bit on your good and your bad days. Every one who's done handstands for a little while knows that you have your average abilities, which you hit maybe half of the time, maybe 80%, then you have the good days, and you have the shit days. This program gives you something to work with on the whole range of days, which I think is really good.
ReykjavikThe program is really nice. I think they have built something really special here, because usually what you will find in online programs is that they are almost a bit too structured. It's too do this, do that, do a) and b) and c) all in a specific order, but they've made Push Harder very flexible which means that it fits a large set of people. Its not going to be good for only some people and then horrible for others because its a flexible program, meaning that you can put together your own training program from different exercises which is probably the key component here. People who want to practice with this can create their own program out of the exercises that we got, some work for you, some don't, and then you can puzzle it together to make it your own thing.
HamburyI think its something that is really unique, and not out there in any similar way. It really gives you everything you need to go on the road to a one arm handstand. I think on Instagram and other social media you see a lot of people just doing it and trying to get towards the one arm handstand or just improve after the two arm handstand, but are really misguided in what they actually need to learn and how they need to practice. So yeah, I really like it and it definitely helps a lot with progression.
@tashas_handstands, UKThe only grip specific program for handstanders I’ve come across. I have had wrist and elbow issues along the way on my handstand journey, so I was excited to discover the Grip program. The exercises are super effective and I’m definitely incorporating it into my training. The forearm pump on my first workout lasted for days, but as well as keeping my wrists and elbows healthy, I can open my own jars 🙂
Colorado, USAI have been loving the training here every day! Two classes a day plus eating and learning all the things and getting bendy and I’m much better at handstands.
What am I most proud of in training so far? Being able to not get mad at myself, for the times that I fail. I have not really been that frustrated with myself when I’m here, but when I do get frustrated I get the whole “it’s okay”, so that’s been nice.
My favourite thing about TADAH and their surroundings? Mm.. probably the people. I really like the people here and being around the nature and all the upcycling and everything and the chicken, even though his voice is just terrible. I still like him - he’s cool.
What am I going to take back from this retreat in training? Self confidence and self love (laughter), and uh, a lot more like things to work on and understanding where people are and how to communicate these things.
Montreal, CanadaThe training has been really amazing, it’s nice to come to a place where you can meet people, have the same passion, have the same fire as you. I’ve been training alone for a lot and people don’t really understand why I’m so obsessed with handstands and here everyone understands, they just want to train and be upside down and it’s really incredible to have this power, this energy.
I think my favourite thing about TADAH is the nature around here, I feel like I’m away from the city, I feel energised by this natural environment. The cold pool, natural pool is great, the food is great, it’s really relaxing, it’s really zen. I love it here.
PolandThe attitude here, the community here, the amazing souls, the amazing people here make everything a little bit easier, and the support we’re having from the teachers and from other members of the retreat is amazing, just amazing.
I came here thinking I’m going to be one of the weakest links because I’m just starting with the push harder program and I thought I’m not going to be ready, but because of good coaching and just the right suggestions, just for me, for example, I’ve been able to do better flagging, I’ve been able to do pike press, which I’ve never been able to do pike press, and I’m super happy about that.
From this week, I will take a lot of knowledge about how to progress, how to build up my own workouts, how to build up my own training, but as well for my students, for my clients that I work with, I will have a bunch of ready to go and ready to test elements, exercises, approaches, that are really going to make a difference for them.
Oregon, USAI like the training here at the push harder retreat, mainly because I feel like connecting with the community of other handbalancers has been the biggest benefit for me. I train alone a lot, so having the people around to kind of poke at you and show you things, like you may be training the same drills that you train at home but once you have people actually kind of hands on and working with you, then it just makes so much more sense.
Not only that but I feel like I’ve been able to kind of push myself physically to limits that I wouldn’t normally be able to do, while training by myself.
So far, it’s only half way through the training, but what I’m most proud of, I would say, has been in some of my mobility gains, not thinking I’m the most mobile or flexible person and getting into the deepest form of my pancake or even into the backbending things like that.
MunichSo the training here reminds me a little of a camp, like a training camp. 2 sessions a day, a lot of space in between but good food, enough sleep. It’s not too early, so it’s not draining in that sense but I think it’s really at the right amount of training.
What I’m taking home from this, is a lot of information that I have to process and but really, it’s a lot of information but on the other hand, it’s pretty simple. For me, until today I got a few tips that are simple but are really going to carry me along for a long time. I’ve never seen so many people try handstands, or try one arm handstands. You talk about the information, you see it in other people and you try for yourself. So you, make a leap that you would not get close to in your home environment. So I think this is like the perfect way to really understand the material, to get better yourself, to understand it and to, for me personally, to maybe teach people better. So it’s an experience, you grow with it and when you get back home, you’re probably changed a little.
GermanySo, I’m in a really lucky situation because I did first the push and the push harder retreat now and so far it’s amazing. In both groups there were amazing people so far and we had a super time! I’m super proud to be here, to have made it, to get past all these ideas of that I’m not good enough for it and to just have come here and met creative people and do the things we love to do: stand on the hands and enjoy the journey, don’t think about “after the two weeks my one arm will be there, because I paid for it” now it’s just about having a good time, having new ideas for your program for the next 6 months, 6 years, who knows?
So from this retreat I take home, the reminder that life is too short and it’s not about getting all the stuff, it’s about enjoying the journey, have a good time, yeah… Surround yourself with a good community and that’s it! That’s what it’s all about!

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- Which program you are training
- How long you’ve been training Handstand Factory
- Any questions or comments you have for us and tag @handstandfactory