Straddle One-Arm Handstand
The Push Harder program is designed to take you from a comfortable two arm handstand to a straddle one-arm handstand. We teach the one-arm handstand using a technique that is expansive – it leads to a structure that is efficient and elegant and can be used to develop towards the higher level skills such as one-arm shapes and Figas.
With the Push Harder program, you will gain a technical understanding of the mechanics of the one-arm handstand and the side split, and learn how to program your own training and build an independent, individual handbalancing practice.
Master The One-Arm Handstand
Push Harder is where it all comes together. The basic straddle one-arm handstand can be learned in many ways, but if you wish to have the opportunity to go beyond it, you are best off learning it with solid technique. There are many more drills here than in other programs and it is also where your practice gets less linear in terms of progression. We have decided to be honest in the way we are teaching this; no-one can teach you the balance of a one-arm handstand, only you, yourself can. We are contributing with detailed setups, drills, ways to measure progression along with a lot of theory to make your training efficient.
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What People Think Of The Push Harder Program
OsloThe Push Harder program is really good, it gives you this whole, big bag of tricks and it helps you structure it to your work capacity and your schedule. You sort of auto tune it a bit on your good and your bad days. Every one who’s done handstands for a little while knows that you have your average abilities, which you hit maybe half of the time, maybe 80%, then you have the good days, and you have the shit days. This program gives you something to work with on the whole range of days, which I think is really good.
ReykjavikThe program is really nice. I think they have built something really special here, because usually what you will find in online programs is that they are almost a bit too structured. It’s too do this, do that, do a) and b) and c) all in a specific order, but they’ve made Push Harder very flexible which means that it fits a large set of people. Its not going to be good for only some people and then horrible for others because its a flexible program, meaning that you can put together your own training program from different exercises which is probably the key component here. People who want to practice with this can create their own program out of the exercises that we got, some work for you, some don’t, and then you can puzzle it together to make it your own thing.
HamburyI think its something that is really unique, and not out there in any similar way. It really gives you everything you need to go on the road to a one arm handstand. I think on Instagram and other social media you see a lot of people just doing it and trying to get towards the one arm handstand or just improve after the two arm handstand, but are really misguided in what they actually need to learn and how they need to practice. So yeah, I really like it and it definitely helps a lot with progression.
Are You Ready For The OAHS?
Push Harder is an advanced program for seasoned handbalancers looking to level-up their practice with one-arm balances. As such, in order to get the most out of this program we recommend you meet these suggested benchmarks:
Recommended Benchmarks
Improving Your Flexibility With Push Harder

One of the perks of the Handstand Factory programs is that they also cover the necessary flexibility components you need to develop in order to progress in your training.
Once you become so advanced in your handbalancing that you begin working on the one-arm handstand, you know how many variables go into training. One of them is the ability to rebalance with your legs. The wider your straddle/side split, the more control you will have when learning the straddle one-arm handstand. For this reason, we have included a comprehensive side split section in the Push Harder program, designed to take your active side split to its full potential, so you can actively use it upside down.

Our programs teach handbalancing using a technique that is expansive – it leads to a structure that is efficient and elegant and can be used to develop towards the higher level skills such as the one-arm handstand, and shape changing on one arm. There are many different styles of handstands out there, some may balance in an arch, some may balance in more of a planche position – these are all valid in their respective contexts and usages. This program, however, teaches the straddle one-arm handstand from a combination of traditional Russian handbalancing with alternative strategies of developing awareness and coordination upside down.
Our programs teach handbalancing using a technique that is expansive – it leads to a structure that is efficient and elegant and can be used to develop towards the higher level skills such as the one-arm handstand, and shape changing on one arm. There are many different styles of handstands out there, some may balance in an arch, some may balance in more of a planche position – these are all valid in their respective contexts and usages. This program, however, teaches the straddle one-arm handstand from a combination of traditional Russian handbalancing with alternative strategies of developing awareness and coordination upside down.
More in depth about the Push Harder program
Your Handbalancing Instructors
Mikael Kristiansen and Emmet Louis are both international teachers of handbalancing and flexibility and have spent big chunks of their lives studying and understanding all aspects of these skills professionally both as performers and teachers. With Handstand Factory, they now want to demystify and simplify the process of learning handstands, and make it accessible to anyone wanting to learn to stand on their hands. To learn more about Handstand Factory, head over to our about page.

For how long will I be able to train with the Push Harder program?
The Handstand Factory – Push Harder program is aimed at teaching all the required exercises and progressions of learning the one-arm straddle handstand. From a solid two arm handstand (see requirements), this will generally take, on average, about 1-2 years of training. This timeframe is very personal and varies wildly depending on many different factors (see ‘how long will it take’ for more on timeframes). But for most people to achieve a solid one-arm handstand 1-2 years with consistent practice would be a good estimate.
How much time a week will I have to commit to the Push Harder training?
If you have come to a point in your handbalancing training where the Push Harder program is appropriate to your level, you will know that handbalancing isn’t learned by just training once in a while. Accordingly, this program will not make sense if you cannot commit to at least 3-4 handbalancing sessions a week. Even with basic two arm handstand training, consistency is important. Once you move on to one-arm balancing, doing a session once or twice every few weeks will just not work to achieve a comfortable one-arm handstand in any reasonable timeframe. Again – know your goals, set your training schedule and manage your expectations accordingly.
Can I combine training Push Harder with other training?
Technically yes, but it depends. Mostly, it depends on the time (both training and recovery time) you have available. If you have all day to train your various disciplines and full nights to sleep and recover, then yes, you can easily integrate this program into your normal training schedule. If you have time constraints such as work, a family and/or other commitments, choose your training wisely. (See question above).
How long will it take to get a one-arm handstand and sidesplits?
There is no one fits all answer to this one. It entirely depends on your body type, your lifestyle, the time you put in and a zillion other factors. Best is to not to care how long it takes, just trust the process and do the thing. You’ll get there eventually. Probably faster so if you don’t care and just enjoy the process.
Are the Handstand Factory programs follow along videos?
No, all of our online programs are educational in nature, they don’t contain videos in which you follow the training in real time like a class. The video library for each program contains explanations and demos for each exercise, with valuable cues and insights. These exercises are also explained in the manual, and lastly, programmed into comprehensive training templates that you can follow in your own time.
Do I need equipment to train the Push Harder program?
The Handstand Factory programs are designed to be trained with little to no equipment. The most important things are a flat floor and a free wall. However, as you begin going for the straddle one-arm, we integrate handstand blocks into the training. For the flexibility, a mat or pillows would be helpful, as well as some light weights (filled waterbottles also work).
“The Push Harder program is really good, it gives you this whole, big bag of tricks and it helps you structure it to your work capacity and your schedule.”
“The Push Harder program is really good, it gives you this whole, big bag of tricks and it helps you structure it to your work capacity and your schedule.”
What You get With Push Harder
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