Advanced Basics
Expand your handbalancing practice with handstand walking, blocks and canes training, and head movements while inverted. This program will teach you to move in space via walking and jumping on hands, and it will begin to work with the deeper concepts of balance trained via working on heights (both blocks and canes) as well as moving the visual focus point by learning to dissociate the head and adding this as a choice of movement to your balance repertoire. This program will add variety to your practice, and challenge your balance in interesting ways.
Build Inverted Body Awareness And Control
The point of this program is twofold. First, we want to break apart the notion of the handstand as only a static discipline with one precise path to specific technical goals. In this sense the title is literal: expand your abilities on your hands beyond only standard shapes such as straight, straddle, diamond and tuck. This will add a lot of variation to your handstand vocabulary, which is good both to enjoy the training itself and to add challenge and creativity.
Second, we want to highlight how much these additional abilities on your hands contribute towards the more complex skills later on. There is a classic notion that gymnasts tend to learn handbalancing faster than others, which is largely true. This is not only because they might have good handstand basics but also because they have great proprioception and awareness of their bodies upside down in many contexts. The same often goes for break dancers and acrobats in other disciplines. In Expand we want to give you access to this piece of the puzzle. By further developing your freedom on your hands, you will no longer be confined to only staying in one place on the floor, and you can enjoy much more of the upside-down experience.
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What it’s like to use the Handstand Factory programs:
It’s like being in school and having lecture, lab and study – between the podcast, training, and text. I’m learning so much… really feels more personalized, “connected” and HUMAN.
Joyce – @cirquepath, San Fransisco, USA
Are You Ready To “Expand” Your Practice?
Expand is an intermediate program for handbalancers who are comfortable freebalancing and can consistently catch their balance. As such, in order to get the most out of this program we recommend you meet these suggested benchmarks:
Recommended Benchmarks
Canes and Blocks with Expand

The Expand program introduces training with apparatus, specifically blocks and canes. These common handbalancing tools have a variety of benefits, ranging from improving your balance to avoiding tendonitis. They are also useful tools for learning advanced positions more quickly like the one-arm handstand. While we won’t be teaching those advanced skills in this program, Expand will introduce how to begin using blocks and canes so you will be comfortable with them later in your handstand practice.
If you’re particularly interested in apparatus handbalancing, we carry our own line of handstand blocks in our Merch Shop.

The goal of this program is to flesh out your handstand practice in ways you might not have trained before. Most “standardized” progressions do not cover things such as handstand walking, jumping and specific use of equipment. Expand fills that gap. It will give intermediate-level handbalancers more freedom upside down and allow for a richer practice.
The goal of this program is to flesh out your handstand practice in ways you might not have trained before. Most “standardized” progressions do not cover things such as handstand walking, jumping and specific use of equipment. Expand fills that gap. It will give intermediate-level handbalancers more freedom upside down and allow for a richer practice.
More in depth about the Expand program
Your Handbalancing Instructors
Mikael Kristiansen and Emmet Louis are both international teachers of handbalancing and flexibility and have spent big chunks of their lives studying and understanding all aspects of these skills professionally both as performers and teachers. With Handstand Factory, they now want to demystify and simplify the process of learning handstands, and make it accessible to anyone wanting to learn to stand on their hands. To learn more about Handstand Factory, head over to our about page.

Do I need equipment to train the Expand program?
Usually, the Handstand Factory programs are designed to be trained with little to no equipment. The most important things are a flat floor and a free wall. However, for the apparatus component of this program, you will need access to blocks and canes. In the program itself we advise on what to look out for when buying or making equipment, and the program can be started without the tools to begin with.
Can I integrate the Expand program with other Handstand Factory programs?
Yes, absolutely. The earliest stage you would begin working on the Expand program is when you have successfully graduated from the Push Program, or are on the final templates of Push working on longer holds of the freestanding handstand. You can then run it alongside Keep Pushing, Press, or even Push Harder, depending on what your handbalance interests are.
How long can I use the Expand program?
The Expand program is more like an expansion pack to your regular handstand training, which means you can cycle the exercises in and out of your training over time. Unlike our other programs, there are no set timeframes on the programming, but rather a buffet of skills to work on. As such, you can keep this program in your toolbox for a long time, and come back to it whenever you are looking for some variation in your handstand practice.
I don't want to perform handstands, is the Expand program still relevant?
Exploring your freedom of movement on hands can be both – a method of self-expression, but also self-exploration. If you feel drawn to learning to balance on canes or blocks or move through space on your hands in a controlled way, and build overall better balancing on two arms, it doesn’t matter whether you want to work towards performing handstands, or whether you want to learn this skill for yourself.
Do I need a training partner to do the Expand program?
Nope, the way that the Expand program is designed means there is no need for a partner and that everything can be done independently. However, if you struggle with apprehension when balancing at a height, it might be useful to have a spotter nearby for learning to balance on canes. Saying that, training with others is fun, so by no means do it alone if you have the option!
Are the Handstand Factory programs follow along videos?
No, all of our online programs are educational in nature, they don’t contain videos in which you follow the training in real time like a class. The video library for each program contains explanations and demos for each exercise, with valuable cues and insights. These exercises are also explained in the manual, and lastly, programmed into comprehensive training templates that you can follow in your own time.